Military / Veteran Plates
Military Plates and Veteran Plates

- Any vehicle (excluding trailers) owned or leased by a Veteran with a GVWR up to 12,000 lbs
- A DD 214 showing “honorable discharge” must be furnished to the DMV for issuance
- Passenger Vehicles - Renewed every two years - Renewal month is based on the first letter of a registered owner's last name, or the first letter of the name of the company to which the vehicle is registered
- Trucks - Renewed annually in March
- Upon the death of the Veteran, the plates may be transferred to the spouse only, unless the spouse remarries.
- RIGL 31-3-53

Motorcycle Veteran
- Any motorcycle, scooter or moped owned by a veteran
- A DD 214 showing “honorable discharge” must be furnished to the DMV for issuance
- Renewed every two years in June
- Upon the death of the Veteran, the plates may be transferred to the spouse only, unless the spouse remarries.
- RIGL 31-3-53

Disabled Veteran
- Available to any Veteran with 100% service-connected disability on vehicles with a GVWR of 12,000 lbs or less
- Only one set per eligible veteran is allowed per RIGL 31-6-8
- There is no charge for the plates or registration for this plate type
- Executive Certification by the Department of Veterans Affairs RI Regional Office
- This form is the only one we are allowed to accept and is only available at:
RI Dept of Veterans Affairs
380 Westminster St
Providence, RI 02903
Click here to view a sample of the certification letter.
- Renewed every two years in December
- Upon the death of the Veteran, the plates may be transferred to the spouse only, unless the spouse remarries.
- RIGL 31-6-8

- Available to former Prisoners of War of WWI, WWII, the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam Conflict on vehicles with a GVWR of 12,000 lbs or less
- Only one set per eligible veteran is allowed per RIGL 31-3-46
- There is no charge for the plates or registration for this plate type.
- A DD 214 showing former prisoner of war must be furnished to the DMV for issuance
- Renewed every two years in August
- Upon the death of the Veteran, the plates may be transferred to the spouse only, unless the spouse remarries.
- RIGL 31-3-46

Purple Heart
- Available to combat wounded veterans who are recipients of the Purple Heart Medal for vehicles with a GVWR of 12,000 lbs or less
- Two sets per eligible veteran are allowed per RIGL 31-3-48 (2022)
- There is no charge for the plates or registration for this plate type
- A DD 214 showing award of purple heart medal must be furnished to the DMV for issuance
- Passenger Vehicles - Renewed every two years - Renewal month is based on the first letter of a registered owner's last name, or the first letter of the name of the company to which the vehicle is registered
- Trucks - Renewed annually in March
- Upon the death of the Veteran, the plates may be transferred to the spouse only, unless the spouse remarries.
- RIGL 31-3-48

National Guard
- Available to active and retired members of the Rhode Island Army and Air National Guard on vehicles with a GVWR of 12,000 lbs or less
- A letter from the Adjutant General authorizing issuance of plates must be furnished to the DMV before receiving plates
- Passenger Vehicles - Renewed every two years - Renewal month is based on the first letter of a registered owner’s last name, or the first letter of the name of the company to which the vehicle is registered
- Trucks - Renewed annually in March
- There is a service charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) and a transfer charge of five dollars ($5.00) for the plate, along with the $2.50 technology surcharge.
- RIGL 31-3-62

Gold Star Family
- Available to anyone eligible to receive a “Gold Star Lapel Button” as defined by the United States Government on vehicles with a GVWR of 12,000 lbs or less
- Only one set is allowed per family member per RIGL 31-3-111
- A certification letter from the Rhode Island Office of Veteran’s Services is required
- Passenger Vehicles - Renewed every two years - Renewal month is based on the first letter of a registered owner’s last name, or the first letter of the name of the company to which the vehicle is registered
- Trucks - Renewed annually in March
- RIGL 31-3-111

Bronze Star Medal
- Available for recipients of the Bronze Star Medal
- Only one set per eligible Veteran is allowed per RIGL 31-3-48.2
- Registration fees apply and $5.00 transfer fee
- A DD 214 showing award of Bronze Star Medal must be furnished to the DMV for issuance
- Passenger Vehicles - Renewed every two years - Renewal month is based on the first letter of a registered owner’s last name, or the first letter of the name of the company to which the vehicle is registered
- Trucks - Renewed annually in March
- Upon the death of the Veteran, the plates may be transferred to the spouse only, unless the spouse remarries
- RIGL 31-3-48.2