A Message from the DMV Administrator

Obtaining a driver’s license is a memorable experience. It is a symbol of independence and gives us the opportunity to become productive members of society and no longer rely on others to get to school, work, or appointments.
But having a driver’s license comes with a high degree of responsibility and personal accountability. When you get behind the wheel and drive around our great State, and elsewhere, it is YOUR responsibility to do so in a manner that ensures your safety, that of your passengers, and the public at large.
This Manual is designed to help you get your license by explaining the application process, types of permits and licenses, and the driver skills test requirements. It also is a wealth of information on various topics such as basic driving skills, safety rules, signs, and markings, driving emergencies, and driving under the influence, to name a few.
While the Manual will help you prepare for the knowledge exam it will be up to you to practice and develop safe driving habits, not only as you prepare to get your license but every time you drive.
Please remember to always buckle up, don’t drink and drive, and don’t text and drive – it really can wait!
Good luck! I wish you many years of safe driving.