Message from the DOT Director

Dear Future Drivers,
My name is Peter Alviti, Jr. and I am the Director of RI’s Department of Transportation. You might assume that I write this letter because it’s my job to assure everyone that our roads and bridges are built for safe driving and because I lead the charge for DOT’s highway safety initiatives. Certainly that is undeniable. More importantly I write this letter because I care, because I am a father, a grandfather, a husband, and a friend. The people I invest in drive on our roads, walk on our streets, bike on our bike paths, and use public transportation. We all have people who care about us, who invest in us, and who want us to succeed and to be safe.
We at the Department of Transportation want you to succeed as you progress through the process of becoming an educated, safe and responsible driver. That is why we support the Department of Motor Vehicle’s well designed Driver’s Education program and manual. Please use the tools you receive through this program to gain the knowledge you will need to become a licensed Rhode Island driver. Once you obtain your permit, we suggest that you take time to gain numerous and well monitored, behind-the-wheel driving experience. A good driver knows and respects the rules of the road. A good driver follows posted speed limits. A good driver is never impaired by alcohol or any other drug. A good driver always wears their seatbelt and only allows seatbelt fastened passengers in their vehicle. A good driver does not text and drive and they do not check their electronic communication device messages.
A PREPARED driver understands that driving is not only about operating a vehicle. A PREPARED driver understands that they must respect pedestrians and other motorists. A PREPARED driver recognizes that their behavior on the road impacts others. A PREPARED driver knows that there are people who need them to return home safe and alive, so they make good choices to protect themselves and others. And a PREPARED driver knows that driving in Rhode Island is a privilege, not a right, and they honor that privilege by gaining driving knowledge, practicing their driving skills, and respecting others who use our roadways.
I know you will be a PREPARED driver. Drivers’ education is crucial for that preparedness. Motor vehicle crashes is the leading cause of death for all 15–20-year-olds. That is the truth we at the RI DOT recognize and it is the truth that drives us to support RI’s young driver education programs. Each of you deserves the right to grow into a safe and responsible driver. We are honored to support that right and to do all we can to help you remain safe, alive, and injury free.
Stay Safe and Make Good Decisions,
Peter Alviti, Jr., P.E.
Rhode Island Department of Transportation