Rotary/Roundabout Diagram

A = Splitter or Refuge
B = Crosswalk
C = Center Island
Roundabouts are intersections that direct traffic in a counterclockwise direction around a center island. The purpose of this circular intersection is to slow traffic while reducing delays in traffic movement. This type of traffic control does not have stop signs or traffic signals; instead, it utilizes yield signs, directional signs, and pavement markings to guide traffic through the intersection.
Prior to entering a roundabout, the motorist should observe the yellow diamond shaped warning sign for an arrow with a circle pattern with two (2) or more arrows pointing away from the circle that represents roundabout exits.
Listed below are the procedures to follow while entering and leaving the traffic circle. NOTE: The information in this manual refers to single lane roundabouts. Many states utilize multi-laned roundabouts, so plan ahead.
- Slow down to the posted speed. Yield to pedestrians and other motorists. They have the right-of-way.
- Ensure you have an adequate safe gap. Move to the proper lane position upon entering, maneuvering, and exiting the roundabout.
- ENTER: Yield to vehicles in the roundabout. Wait for a gap in traffic, and then merge into traffic in the roundabout in a counterclockwise direction.
- PROCEED: Continue through the roundabout until you reach your street. Never stop in a roundabout unless it is an emergency.
- EXIT: Signal, then exit the roundabout to the right. Yield to pedestrians.
- Generally, cyclists should walk their bicycles across the pedestrian crosswalk. Experienced cyclists may navigate roundabouts like motorists. Bicyclists should ride in the middle of the lane, not near the curb line, to prevent vehicles from passing them. As with following the same laws as motor vehicles, cyclists must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.
- APPROACH: Pedestrians should look left upon arriving at a crosswalk in search of oncoming vehicles and bicycles.
- CROSS: Pedestrians should cross to the raised or painted splitter or refuge. Then, look right and finish crossing to the opposite sidewalk.
- Pedestrians should never walk through a roundabout or cross the center island.
R.I.G.L. 31-17-8, Right-of-Way at Rotary: In the absence of any traffic control device or sign, the driver of a vehicle about to enter a rotary, regardless of the direction from which the vehicle is approaching, shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles already in the rotary. The State Traffic Commission shall determine the location of yield signs at rotaries. Violations of this section are subject to fines enumerated in 31-41.1-4.